Thursday, July 23, 2009

Almost 1 month

I hate that I never get a chance to blog anymore. It makes me sad, but that's life. Dixie Jean is doing great and I can't believe she will be a month next week. I am loving being a
mommy and Evan is a GREAT daddy as I knew he would be. He calls her "sweetheart" all the time. It was definately an adjustment at first and some days still are, but it is AWESOME! I really can't picture our life without our sweet caterpillar. Yes, that is the nickname I have given her. Evan calls her capitellar...and sometimes I steal it. Don't ask why we call her just came out and stuck.
We are slowly trying to take her out in public and get a bit of normalcy back. We walk her on the lakefront, she will go to Target for the 1st time today and we are excited to take her to church this week. She is getting big already and as much as I am ready for her to do things like sleep through the night.....I love snuggling her and don't ever want her to grow up.


Jamie Mullins said...

Ang...I can't believe how big she is...I need to come back and snuggle that little nappin nurtle!! She is starting to look more like you momma!! BEAUTIFUL!

Jennifer Allen said...

She is too cute...was she born on June 29th? Because that is when my daughter Edie was born:)