Monday, May 3, 2010

Queso and Cuties

Tonight I got to have dinner with my best friend Lyndsey. Everytime we go to dinner it is always the same delicious Mexican place and the same order: Cobb salad with grilled chicken, ranch dressing, and a queso for our chips and salsa. I know what you're thinking..."You are at a delicious mexican place and you order a cobb salad????" Sounds crazy I know, but if you had it there would be no turning back:) I could drink the homemade ranch dressing. Anyway, it has been tradition for a few years and we always look forward to our "girl dinner."

Tonight (aka 5 p.m. dinner....hey maybe we were dining with the elderly but we have babies with bedtimes) was our first time to do this dinner tradition with both of our kids in tow. Dixie Jean being 10 months and Baby B being 3 months (hope I am correct on that). Anyway, we were just laughing at how things have changed, particularly this dinner.

It used to be we would meet for 7 and crack up for hours over Margaritas and way too many baskets of chips till we couldn't breathe. Tonight we fed babies in between bites, bounced them around when they got fussy, picked up things that fell on the floor, swapped babies so we could love on the other, chugged our water with lemon and talked about how much we love our children.

We managed to get through dinner just fine with both babies in tact and food in our bellies. I thought we would for sure be there an hour tops, but to my surprise we went a whole hour and 10 minutes ( I was impressed).

Yes.....our girl nights are much different now, but where we once skipped dessert we now fill up on kissable chubby cheeks:) Nothing tops that...not even queso!