Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I have found a new favorite family meal and it is CHEAP and EASY..my 2 favorites! It is called Spread-a-burger (sounds gross I know). Evan's Granny used to make it and I got to try it while in Texas a few weeks ago and was hooked. We had it for dinner last night and it was soooo yummy. I wanted to take a picture to post with this, but I couldn't wait a second longer to inhale it. So, if you are brave enough to forgo the name and please your fam with a delicious meal, here's how to do it:

You will need either French Bread or hoagie Bread sliced in half length ways (open faced) &
1 pound of ground meat or ground turkey meat (healthier)

Into the meat, mix 1 egg, breadcrumbs (not too much), ketchup, worcestershire sauce, mustard and mayo if you like, salt and pepper.

Preheat oven to 375.

Spread meat mixture onto open faced bread (thin...you want it to cook). Bake in oven for 10 minutes. Last 5 minutes add cheese on top and continue to bake. 15 minutes total baking time

The meat cooks, the cheese melts and the bread is so toasty and delicious it's amazing. You can choose to eat it open faced or close it up. ENJOY!!!!!