I cannot believe that my sweet baby girl will be 11 weeks tomorrow. As usual, time is flying by. I am enjoying watching her grow. She is starting to chunk up in her face and that makes for even more kisses from her momma (poor kid..she has to deal until she is old enough to protest).
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
A smile, a coo and a sweet little piggy nose
Posted by mcgintys at 9:21 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Saying goodbye to my 20's and welcoming my 30's
I do have to say that it is a little crazy to say goodbye to a decade of my life that holds some amazing memories. To know that I will never see my 20's again can start to make me a little sappy, but I know that my 30's will have some wonderful things in store as well (God willing). I wanted to take a minute and look back at some significant milestones that happened in my 20's. These past 10 years have been pretty amazing and full of God's grace and love. So, here goes:
- I graduated from college with a degree in Elementary Education:

- I became a K teacher and taught for 4 fun and hectic years. It was such a blessing to have such influence over so many students that I came to love.
- I met and married the most AMAZING man in the whole world. I didn't know men like him existed and I was grateful that he chose me to spend the rest of his life with.

- My faith became solid and I have gained a humble appreciation and love for Jesus! He became not just my Savior, but my Lord. It's nice knowing He's in control:)
- We bought our first house
- I had the privilege of experiencing the miracle of pregnancy and gave birth to my 3 precious and beautiful children. I have never known a love so deep.
- I started my dream job as a stay at home mommy. There is no place I would rather be than loving on my babies and watching them grow. It's not always the easiest job, and some days I want to pull my hair out or just go to the bathroom by myself, but it's so worth it. Oh, and photo shoots don't always go the way you want, but they are still cute.
- I joined an amazing church family that is dedicated to showing Christ's love to others and living out the gospel. I am excited to see how God continues to use us for His kingdom.
- I have made some amazing friends and have grown deeper in relationship with some I already had. *I couldn't possibly fit everyone's picture here, but you know who you are:)
- I got a mini van (yes people, this was a milestone for me..I dreamed about it since high school)
I feel so CRAZY BLESSED to look back at all of that and see how God has brought me through this journey. I am not sure how I can top those years, but I look forward to seeing where God leads me next. I am embracing my 30's!!!
Posted by mcgintys at 6:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 26, 2012
Now walk it out.....
Posted by mcgintys at 10:27 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
I went on down to the Audubon Zoo......
I was so excited to have a family day last week and take our kids to the zoo for the very first time. I have been wanting to take Dixie for about a year now, but Evan is no fan of the zoo. He thinks it is cruel to see all those animals locked up in these tiny spaces. While it is sad, I have very fond memories of visiting this zoo when I was a kid and wanted to share those with my children.
The weather was perfect, overcast yet warm. We arrived shortly after the zoo opened and started to unload everything out of the van. It is amazing how much stuff you have to pack with 3 kids. As soon as the van to the door opened Dixie started crying that she had to pee (go figure). There was no way we were going to make it into the gates, so I pulled down her pants as quick as possible and as she started peeing in the parking lot. I tried to hold her out at arms length while propping up her legs as if she was on an invisible chair. I was pretty impressed with myself for getting her in this position so quickly but to no avail, I still ended up with pee on my shoes and Dixie had to change clothes. We haven't even made it into the zoo and we are already changing clothes...this was going to be a fun day!
This was Savannah's first outing and she did great overall. She decided that mommy having pee shoes was not enough, so as soon as we walked into the zoo, she spit up all down my shirt. At this point I just had to laugh. The day hadn't even begun and I was smelling worse than the monkeys.
After her spit up session, Savannah pretty much just slept in the stroller. Knox was basically satisfied with just riding in the wagon. Sometimes I wondered if he even realized that there were animals there. Dixie was thrilled. She loved everything and had so much fun. I think her favorite part of the entire zoo was the big pool in the middle where the elephant statue was. She kept wanting to go back to it. I think she would have jumped in if I let her.
It was a great family day, but exhausting. Going to the zoo with little ones brings the trip to a whole new level. But man, it felt great to get out of the house, walk around and get some fresh air. I would say that our first family zoo trip was successful...and smelly!
This peacock kept trying to eat Knox's pb &jelly sandwich. He was more than willing to feed it to him.

Posted by mcgintys at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Party of 5
So I haven't posted in a while because I was busy giving birth to this beautiful girl and getting adjusted to life with 3 kids under 3.

Posted by mcgintys at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 26, 2012
When you let a 13 month old feed themselves.....
Needless to say, bath time came right after dinner.

Posted by mcgintys at 12:21 PM 1 comments