Only one more year to 30, but I decided to embrace it rather than get all moppy about it. After all, it's just another year to see God's amazing work. I am looking forward to this last year in my 20's. I look at my life and I am so thankful, so humbled. God has blessed me beyond belief and far beyond anything I have or will ever deserve. I am thankful for his provision and grace.
I remember when I was younger there was a show called "Thirty Something." I always thought 30 seemed so far off and the people on the show seemed old to me, but I am creeping up on it. I guess no matter how old you are, you never feel your age.
Sometimes I look at my life and say, how am I married to the world's most amazing man with 2 beautiful kids living in my own house and I have already had a career as a teacher? I feel like high school was yesterday. Life goes soooo fast and when you have kids, that becomes even more true. I hope to slow down this year and ENJOY and SAVOR 29 and all it has to offer.
Here are a few pics from my birthday:
Knox and Ray (cousins 2 weeks apart) Can you tell who is older? It's Ray!
My sweet girl playing in the bubbles
Our family has 7 kids under the age of 4. Swing sets are a must and always fun.
Boiling some crawfish!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't get enough and actually want some right now as I am typing this.
This is how the day ended at 7:30 p.m with the kids on the floor (all bathed) eating pb&j's watching Veggie Tales. Such a hectic and fun phase of life!
Blowing out my 29th birthday candles with my beautiful daughter. Life doesn't get much sweeter (well..maybe a little...if I hadn't given up sweets and been able to eat a piece of that yummy cake...oh well...there is always next year)
Looks like y'all had a great day! Did I hear gave up sweets? You go girl...maybe I need to do that? Miss you!
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