I got stuck in a mom rut. For all of you moms out there, do you know what I am talking about? When you feel like you are burning the candle at both ends and getting no time for yourself (you're lucky if you get a shower in?) Throw that on top of pregnancy hormones and you get a meltdown (my first one with this pregnancy, might I add). I was feeling overwhelmed and really just needed a break. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade my job of being a stay at home mom for anything. I adore my babies and am so thankful that God has provided a way through my hard working husband to allow me to do that. However, if I get to use the bathroom without the pitter patter of little feet following me to ask me what I am doing, I let out a sigh of relief! Oh, and throw potty training on top of all that (which we have been doing for 4 weeks now...ugh!). I am convinced that potty training is the DEVIL! But we are slowly working our way through it. Needless to say, I was feeling like this:

Wow, that just sounded like a rant of complaints. I just had to let you know why I was feeling so completely overwhelmed. So, one full day and night, I cried and I cried, just releasing some emotion. I am not a hormonal and emotional pregnant woman, but the flood gates opened. My wonderful husband listened and sympathized (or acted like he did...no, he actually does listen) as I spilled my heart out and confessed that I needed a little break.
Let me just say that I have the most amazing husband in the world. He is extremely hands on with the kids. As soon as he walks in the door he jumps in full swing to help with whatever I need (cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc) and plays with his babies. He doesn't stop until we go to bed. I know what you're thinking, "So why are you whining?" I am beyond blessed, but I needed to get out of the house and step away from non-stop mommy mode for a little bit.
Once again, my awesome husband came to my rescue and said, "Tell me what you want to do and where you want to go, and we'll make it happen." (yes ladies, be jealous). It had to be something reasonable and I didn't want to be far away from my kids. After much thought, I decided that a weekend trip to New Orleans with my mom would do the trick. It was just what I needed!
We stayed at the Drury Inn on Poydras (every hotel was booked since it was the Saint's first home game). It wasn't my first choice of hotel, but I was pleasantly surprised when we arrived. Big clean room and GREAT pillows on the bed. Oh my own bed!!! The thought was enough to put a smile on my face. I am getting to the uncomfortable stage of pregnancy, so I flip and turn all night. Plus, the free breakfast and 5:30 kickback (complete with nacho bar) didn't hurt. Evan claims we will be staying at this hotel from now on since there are free nachos:) I won't argue.
Friday night we ate at Domenica which is located in the Roosevelt hotel. It's a John Besh restaurant and they have really interesting and yummy Italian food.
Mom got the lasagna Bolognese which was amazing!
I opted for a pizza with speck, pears, pecans and Gorgonzola cheese..yummy!
This dessert was to die for...Banna Zuppa Inglese in the cutest little mason jar. Banana cake, butterscoth, cream, and peanut brittle.
Saturday we hit up the free breakfast bar and jumped on the street car to head to Magazine street for a day of shopping. I am ASHAMED to admit that I have lived near New Orleans my entire life and have never ridden the street car or shopped on Magazine street. Neither had my mom, so we really enjoyed it! It was lots of walking and this baby bump made it a little more difficult, but with as much food as we were eating this weekend, I needed every bit of walking I could get. We had a nice lunch at Cafe Rani and topped it off with some delicious gelato from Sucre (you have got to check that place out). It was a beautiful day and I was glad to spend some time with my mom just soaking in the sun and shopping (or window shopping).
These next pictures were at a fun vintage consignment store called The Funky Monkey
My mom actually considered buying this get up..hehe..just kidding!
Had to represent for my baby girl! Dixie is actually a Louisiana beer, but we just covered that up:)
That night we went to dinner at The Crescent City Brew House and listened to some great live music. I had the most amazing steak, cooked to perfection (my mouth is still watering over it). We finished the night out at the Canal Place theatre watching The Help. I finished reading the book about a month ago and have been dying to see it. I cried of course, and by 1:00 a.m. this momma was whooped ( I just can't hang anymore). We drug ourselves back to the hotel and crashed.
Canal Place theatre is actually a dinner theatre, but since we had already eaten, we just got soft drinks and expensive popcorn...good grief, I spent $25 on snacks at the theater. It was insane!
Sunday we ended our trip with Brunch at Palace Cafe and headed home. By this point I was so tired from eating and walking all weekend that I was ready to get back. I missed my babies and my husband (the 5 text messages and calls a day wasn't sufficient). I got home exhausted, but also refreshed. It is so nice to be able to take a little time away every once in a blue moon. I think it's good for us moms to recharge and I am thankful for a husband who recognizes the importance of it too:) Thanks babe for treating us to a great weekend!
Are you noticing a food theme here..when you go to New Orleans, you EAT a lot!!!! I came back 5 pounds heavier, but I will just pretend that the baby decided to grow that much.